By: Sylvie Griffiths, MBA
Today is the last day of 2018. Like years past, I look forward to the beginning of a new year. This year saw considerable changes in my personal life; I no longer have a mother or a husband. I completed my graduate studies and gained an MBA. I received many blessings this year, in spite of the losses. I have learned self-care and have been working on my personal growth and health. 2018 was a mixed bag.
I am now a published writer, and these blogs gave me the confidence and strength to share my story honestly and openly. I am becoming a certified Recovery Coach which I intend to use to help others striving for recovery. I realized that I have survived and even flourished. I have not given up.
So, as we all ponder the closing of one chapter and the beginning of a totally unknown new chapter in our lives, I remember that word; “survived.” Life is not always fun and easy, it’s messy, painful, and complicated. But it is forever changing. These changes can lead to happiness, strength, and growth.
I don’t wake up feeling strong and happy many days lately. I am a work in progress. My children give me so much strength and love by just being themselves. Watching them grow has been my greatest joy in life. My two boys are with me today, and we have plans to go to the beach and then a friend’s dinner later on. I am closing out this year with those I love and who love me in return.
My perspective regarding New Year’s will be modified this year. I won’t focus on the negatives from 2018. I will remind myself that I SURVIVED and did not give up. I had substantial personal growth this year, regardless of my marriage ending and the death of my mother. I finished a difficult degree while all of this was going on, and I even graduated with a 4.0.
This blog is not to brag about my 2018 at all. I have very tough days frequently. However, the people who have supported me with coffee dates, long talks, and endless jokes should know how much I love them. My inner circle would not let me give up, and that is what I hold on to today, as 2018 ends. I am loved. I am supported. I am thought of.
My wish for 2019, and for all of us is very simple. Find one positive thing to reflect on at the end of each day next year. Look for magic, embrace joy, and survive. You never know what is waiting for you tomorrow.
Happy New Year!
About Sylvie Griffiths:
Sylvie is a happily married mother of four who enjoys writing, people and chocolate.
She is an Evaluation Associate and has a Master’s in Business Administration from Springfield College. She holds more than ten years of experience in performance assessment and behavioral health services.